How to Contribute
If you would like to contribute memories, pictures, videos, and such to this website, please email them to Peter Ward (Class of 1961) at or call to discuss your ideas at 307-733-3664.
If you are interested in making a gift to this important fund, please consider whether you would like to be a Founder or contribute in someone’s name to be a Founder . See Founders of the Fund page for more information.
You can contribute by transferring any financial asset, such as stock or annuity shares. Please contact George Maley, Director of Development, for instructions at 781-320-7019,, Noble and Greenough School, 10 Campus Dr., Dedham, MA 02026.
To contribute directly, please send your check made out to Nobles to The Biddle Fund, Noble and Greenough School, 10 Campus Dr., Dedham, MA 02026
To contribute by credit card, please visit: Please be sure to designate Biddle Fund in the box: “Message or instructions regarding this gift”.
Together we can encourage experiential learning at Nobles through the Nobles Outing Club while remembering Bill Biddle, whose enthusiasm and energy helped found the club.
An alumnus has contributed for each donor a new Noble and Greenough Outing Club patch based on the original design by Art Watson, Class of 1964.